Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Holy Cow - The Baby Boy finally decided. See what he decided here. Lindsy, please let me know how you want me to deliver your prize. I know you'll be here in a couple of weeks, I could save it and give it to you then, or if you want it lickity split, I can send it. It's up to you.

Oh, I almost forgot...this was the 3rd place prize, and I delivered it to my friend Sheila.

Congratulations Anthony, Lindsy and Sheila. You are truly winners!

Weather you played a little or a lot; thank you, thank you, thank you. It has been so much fun, because of you!

The End

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hmmm..What will he choose?

Anthony came over today to claim his prize. The problem was, he just couldn't decide which prize to take. Did he want to take the 1st place awesome, chronicle your life, scrapbook? Or, the fantastically fun computer game to take home and share with his family (because, like I said before, it's rated E (for everyone))?He looked them both over very carefully.

Read the boxes from top to bottom,
And then daydreamed about both. Pictured himself sitting down to a full blown 8 hour scrapping session. And then, imagined the most beautiful zoo, in which he, is the master zoo keeper.

In the end, he just couldn't decide. He asked, begged, even pleaded with me to let him sleep on it. I compromised with him and told him I would let him have one hour and fifteen minutes to decide. He begged again for more time, this time tears welled up in his eyes. I couldn't deny my young son, I caved. He has 24 hours (28 tops and that's it) to decide. We have people waiting on him in order to claim their prize.

I think he needs some help, what do you think he should do?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yay! We have a winner!

Do you know what this is? It's the score sheet. If you click on it, you can see the individual answers. You can ignore the little grey box half way down on the right side. I couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. Plus, it kind of gives it character.

So who won?

Anthony...with a whopping 63 correct out of 99. That's pretty darn good. Do you remember what the prize is? Take a look:

A 20 page, 800 piece complete scrapbook kit. Too bad I decided early that Chad wasn't allowed to win, I really want to keep this. I know though, that Anthony will make great use of it. I'm sure it will be filled with wonderful pictures of...his race car. He might throw in a couple of Chad's car, maybe even one or two of Marvin and Jabe, but mostly I bet, of his car. And they will look so cute with all the little stickers that say things like; Cherish and smile.

Congratulations Son, you did a great job. You have been a good sport and you really earned the 1st place prize. So...

If you decide your not really in the mood for scrap booking, you could, I mean only if you wanted to, trade your luxurious 1st place super duper scrap book prize for something else. And, I happen to have something that might just be up your ally. Of course it is the 2nd place prize so you would have to give your 1st prize to the 2nd place winner in order to take hers. Do you want to take a look? Here you go:

It's a Zoo Tycoon rated E for everyone. Play it on your computer and share it with your whole family.

What do you think Lindsy? Do you think he should trade?

Hmmmmm......I wonder what the 3rd place prize is!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Here are all the answers...I'll post the winner when I get back from Alamo on Saturday.

Feel free to leave comments about any of the 99 topics. I'm sure there are some answers you won't believe.

Did you have any favorites? How did you do? Did you get those right or wrong?

Thanks again for playing.

Did I Really Do That? All Answers 1 - 99

1. Started your own blog - True

This one is easy. We all know I started my own blog. But, do you know why I started a blog? Well, I wanted to find an easy way to keep my family up with whats going on with us, and I like to write. So, there are two of the reasons for my blog.

2. Slept under the stars - True

One night when my kids were little, Chad and I decided to have a sleep out. We took all of our sleeping bags out to the back of the truck and made a nice bed. It was a warm night and the sky was clear. It was so peaceful. Until.........About 2 or 3 in the morning. We woke up to a billion-zillion flying ants. It must have been Thanksgiving in the flying insect world because they were having a feast. They were everywhere. Needless to say, we headed back to the house.

3. Played in a band - False

When I was in the 6th grade, I really wanted to play the clarinet like my older sister Michelle. But there were already enough clarinet players in our school band and they couldn't fit me in. So instead, I played the oboe which is a double reed musical instrument in the woodwind family. I was fast learner and my teacher said I had a natural affinity for the instrument.

4. Visited Hawaii - False

Chad and I (I have a feeling most of these answers are going to start like this)never had a Honeymoon so a several years ago, we decided to travel to Hawaii. We stayed at New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel on Hawaii's Big Island. We picnicked at Spencer Beach Park on the Kohala Coast. We were able to take a wagon ride at the Parker Ranch and learn about the real-life Hawaiian cowboys. We visited the planetarium and interactive exhibits in the Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii>and and also went stargazing through telescopes at the Ellison S. Onizuka Center for International Astronomy which is 9,300 feet up Mauna Kea. Then we got to explore an active volcano at the Kilauea Visitor Center.We had a great time and can't wait to go back.

5. Watched a meteor shower - True

In 2001, we lived on Pioneer Way in Las Vegas. That part of town wasn't very populated so watching stars was easy to do because we were away from the city lights.
In November of that year, we were able to watch the annual Leonid's meteor shower from our back yard at about 2 in the morning. I don't ever remember seeing a meteor shower before that.

6. Given more than you can afford to charity - True

I would like to have some amazing story about how I have given more
than I could afford to charity, but I don't want to make up a story
like that. So...I will just say I have not.

7. Been to Disneyland - False

I always dreamed of going to Disneyland when I was a kid, but as an adult, I have never really had the desire. I have never been, and I'm not sure I ever will.

8. Climbed a mountain - True

When I was little, my family visited a place in Piute County, Utah called Big Rock Candy Mountain where we visited the lemonade springs. I climbed with my Parents and Grandparents, up to the top of the mountain.

Years later, I took my own kids to Big Rock Candy Mountain and climbed to the top with them.

9. Held a praying mantis – False(If I ever do hold a praying mantis, this is how it will happen)

Just recently actually, while Chad and I were building the planters in our front yard. I was raking the rocks around the tree out front and I thought I saw a small stick move. Chad kept telling me is was a praying mantis, but it didn't really look like one. I reached down and picked it up to show him. By that time I realized it really was some kind of bug, but still wasn't convinced it was a praying mantis. I kept saying "no it's not, it's not the right shape". Finally Chad had to sternly tell me "Trudi, your right, it's not A praying mantis. It's TWO! They are mating and the female is eating the male." As soon as he said that, I recognized that that is what it was and tried to throw them, but the legs were stuck to my finger and I had to shake them off. It was so gross.

10. Sang a solo - False

I was in Choir at Bingham Middle School and we went to Crossroads Plaza in Downtown Salt Lake City during the Christmas Season. Everyone in the choir had at least one solo part. My part was.........In the meadow we can build a snowman, then pretend that he is Parson Brown. He'll say: are you married? We'll say: No man....but you can do the job while your in town.

11. Bungee jumped – True (I have never bungee jumped)

I was at the Salt Lake County Fair with my family the first time I ever saw anyone bungee jump. It was like a crane with a platform at the top. I guess kind of like what you would see at a circus where the trapeze artists wait to get "hooked up".

You have to have nerves of steel just to climb up the latter because when you get there, you have a second to really think about it just before they strap you up. If your experienced, you can choose to jump head first, like a dive. Or you can choose to jump feet first. For feet first, you step into a harness, sort of like a child's swing seat. The seat is then hooked up to to the bungees, one on each side at your waist. They cinch you up real tight and tell you to take a deep breath and jump.

You should make sure that you jump before you have your lunch or you might lose it. I have never done it. I don't have the guts. Or do I?

12. Visited Paris- False

I have not visited THE in Paris, France. But, I have visited the Paris Las Vegas on the strip. Oh, and...I have been to Paris, Idaho too!

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea - True

I don't remember if there was lightning or not, and it wasn't really the sea. But I was once on a boat in the middle of Lake Mead during a really bad storm.

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch- True

According to Wikipedia, Art is the process or product of deliberately and arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or Emotions. Hmmmmm........I would say: No, I have not done this.

15. Adopted a child- False/True (You get this one right no matter what you answered)

Yes! I have adopted 3 of them.

16. Had food poisoning - False

Without naming names, we went to a place that (starts with a K) that serves fried chicken on 90th south in West Jordan, Utah. The only thing different that I had from everyone else was coleslaw. I love coleslaw and no one else will eat it. Within an hour, I started to get really sick. I had the worst stomach cramps that I have ever had. I had to miss 2 days of work. I hope to never be that sick again.

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty - False

This is like the last one about Paris. I have not been to New York, so I have not been to the top of the Statue of Liberty. But I have been to New York, New York in Las Vegas and have rode the roller coaster and ate at America (the restaurant). That should be close enough.

18. Grown your own vegetables - True

I have grown my own carrots. You have to be careful when you thinning them out to avoid carrot root fly (bugs). They are attracted by the smell released when the skin of the carrot is bruised. You have to keep the weeds away from them because they can easily overtake carrots. And you should keep the soil evenly moist, that avoids splitting.

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France - False

Holy Cow, whats with all the questions? I have never been to France, but I did see a replica of the Mona Lisa at the Paris Hotel and Casino.

20. Slept on an overnight train - True

One summer while on vacation we rode a train and then went to a hotel and slept, overnight. The next morning we got up early drove to another town, in another state and rode another train. Then, went to another hotel and slept, overnight. Then got up early and rode another train in the opposite direction.

21. Had a pillow fight – False (We were playing “10 Little Monkeys”, not having a pillow fight.)

We got Anthony a new bed for his graduation and on the day it was delivered, Kristy and I had to try it out to see how soft it was. We jumped and bounced and it eventually turned into a pillow fight.
She was only 4, but she hit me so hard with the pillow (I think there was a push to back up the hit) that I flew off the side of the bed. She had such a shocked look on her face when I fell to the floor. We laughed so
hard I almost peed my pants.

22. Hitch hiked - True

One time when I was really young, I decided I was going to run away from home. I packed all my stuffed animals into my bedspread, threw it over my shoulder and was on my way. I thought I would hitch hike to my grandparents house. Lucky for me, the first car that passed (going the opposite direction) was my grandparents and they picked me up.

23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill - True

Although I don't remember a specific instance, I am going to say that yes I have.

24. Built a snow fort - False

Define Fort: It has been snowing here all day. Tonight, when we got home from dropping Christopher off at his house, Chad and I went out and gathered all the snow from the front lawn to build a fort for this post. We froze our butts off. It may have not been a very big fort, but it is still a fort.

25. Held a lamb - True

Chad and I traveled to Kamas, Utah in an old red Cadillac. We were on a mission. There was an old sheep herder who had some bummer lambs. We thought it would be kind of cool to have a lamb or two, so we loaded the kids in the back of the Cadi and made the trip. We ended up with 3 or 4 lambs and I held one all the way home. The others shared the back seat with the kids.

26. Gone skinny dipping - True

Yeah right -
Are you kidding? I have never been skinny dipping in my life....:wink::wink:

27. Run a Marathon - False

In the 5th grade, my teacher, Mrs. Hansen, was an avid runner. She talked a lot about running and invited her class to participate in one of her marathons. We were given logs book and then logged the first 25 miles. We could run those miles at recess or at home, as long as we got our log book signed by our teacher or parent.We ran the last mile on the track at the school playground. It was 1/4 mile and we had to run around it 4 times.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice - False

I have ridden in a gondola at the Venetian in Las Vegas. They have both outdoor and indoor rides, and we rode the indoor one. It takes you under bridges and cafe's and through the Grand Canal Shoppes. Each gondola seats about 4 people and then there is the gondoliers who serenade you as you make your way through Italy. It's pretty cool.

29. Seen a total eclipse - True

A total solar eclipse is when the Sun is completely covered by the Moon. I have witnessed two total eclipses. The first one was when I was in elementary school. We used construction paper with pin holes to look at the sun.

A solar eclipse offers students a unique opportunity to see a natural phenomenon that illustrates the basic principles of mathematics and science taught through elementary and secondary school. Indeed, many scientists (including astronomers) have been inspired to study science as a result of seeing a total solar eclipse. Teachers can use eclipses to show how the laws of motion and the mathematics of orbits can predict the occurrence of eclipses. The use of pinhole cameras and telescopes or binoculars to observe an eclipse leads to an understanding of the optics of these devices. The rise and fall of environmental light levels during an eclipse illustrate the principles of radiometry and photometry, while biology classes can observe the associated behavior of plants and animals. It is also an opportunity for children of school age to contribute actively to scientific research—observations of contact timings at different locations along the eclipse path are useful in refining our knowledge of the orbital motions of the Moon and Earth, and sketches and photographs of the solar corona can be used to build a three-dimensional picture of the Sun’s extended atmosphere during the eclipse.

Observing the Sun, however, can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. The solar radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth ranges from ultraviolet (UV) radiation at wavelengths longer than 290 nm, to radio waves in the meter range. The tissues in the eye transmit a substantial part of the radiation between 380–400 nm to the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye. While environmental exposure to UV radiation is known to contribute to the accelerated aging of the outer layers of the eye and the development of cataracts, the primary concern over improper viewing of the Sun during an eclipse is the development of “eclipse blindness” or retinal burns.

The second time was just a few years ago when we still lived in Las Vegas. This time, I used Chad's welding hat and sat on the hay stack to view the eclipse of the sun.

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset - False

When Chad and I went to California last year. We went to dinner at a restaurant that was right on the beach. We just happened to be there when the sun was setting. The sky was a little cloudy and as the sun stared setting behind the ocean, the sky turned bright pink and orange. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. I wish I would have had my camera.

31. Hit a home run - True

This one band camp (ha ha, just kidding), the little boy who lived across the street from me, hit me in the head with a plastic baseball bat. And I ran home. Does that count?

32. Been on a cruise - False

Last year, when Chad and I went to Universal Studios, we drove up to Marina Del Rey to take a 2 hour cruise along the coast line of Santa Monica to Malibu Beach.
During the cruise, they point out places of interest. We saw the beach where they film Baywatch, the O.C. house and Barbara Streisand's house. It was pretty interesting.
I'm glad that we didn't go out too far into the ocean because I'm not much into boats and water, but Chad was very excited to go. It was fun and I would probably do it again.

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person

It was not Niagara Falls (and these waterfalls do not even compare), but in Zion National Park, I have not only seen, but walked to, and under, some of the most beautiful waterfalls you can find there.

34. Snow Skied - False

I have always wanted to snow ski, but never have and since I live in the desert, I have haven't had the opportunity.

35. Been thrown from a horse- False

I have ridden horses many times, but have never been thrown or fallen off.

36. Taught yourself a new language – False (I didn’t teach myself, my sisters taught me)

Iay on'tday ownay ifay igpay atinlay isay aay anguagelay oray otnay, utbay Iay idday eachtay ymay elfsay otay eakspay itay. Anday Iay aughttay ymay idskay otay eakspay itay alsoay. Ightray aylynnKay?

37. Had a traffic ticket - True

I was driving back home to Las Vegas from Salt Lake. Back then, I always drove fast. I didn't mean to, it just always happened. I was bringing Chelsie for a visit and we had stopped at Arby's in Nephi. After I got pulled over, the cop came to my window for my license and insurance. For a minute I thought he was going to let me off. Chelsie was a charmer and was talking to him and offering him her Chicken strips from Arbys. Too bad it didn't work. I got a speeding ticket.

38. Been chased by a dog - True

Chad and I were moving our belongings from a trailer that had just been evicted from a trailer park. The owner parked it in a field and told us we could get our stuff out from there. We had just got there and was trying to unlock the door of the trailer when Chad looked across the Field and so this huge, humongous dog running right at us. I ran to the front of the truck and Chad jumped into the back of the truck (which had a camper shell) and pulled the door down just as the dog jumped up on the back of the truck. We stayed in the truck for a second until we realized that the dog was wagging his tail and trying to lick Chad through the door. We got out of the truck and played with the happy dog.

39. Gone rock climbing - False

The Murray fairgrounds had a rock climbing thing, much like the one Kristy climbed at the Fall Festival. Chad and I both climbed it. Chad made it farther up then I did. He's not afraid of heights like me. I a big chicken.

40. Caught a fish - True

One summer, we went fishing, a lot. We were at Benmore in Tooele and had been there for a few days. The fishing was good, and I was catching 2 fish at once from one fishing pole.

41. Sung karaoke - True

Now everyone knows that I have sung karaoke in my living room, many times. With my kids when they were young and when they were grown up. Even a time or two with my grand kids. But, do you know about the other time I sang karaoke? In a bar! Of course, I didn't have the guts to do it by myself. I sang with my sister-in-law and some other drunk lady. I don't know what we sang, but I do know we were drunk.

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - True

When I was little, our family and my mom's brother's family went with our grandparents to Yellowstone. I remember walking on the paths through the hot springs, steam was coming from the ground and there was a very strong smell of rotten eggs. Over at Old Faithful, we enjoyed ice cream from the lodge while we waited for the geyser to erupt. It seemed like the wait was an eternity. Finally it went off and we were still there to see it.

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant – False (This was a good one huh?)

I didn't buy the meal for a stranger, but a stranger bought a meal for me. When I worked at Datachem, I went to lunch at Denny's with my friend Julie. We drove over in Julie's Jeep and when we pulled up, we parked next to this guy in a big ford truck. We went in and were seated in our booth and the guy went to the counter to sit. When we got ready to leave, the waitress told us that our lunch was paid for by the man at the counter. I liked to think it was because of me that he was buying our lunch. Not Julies topless Jeep, long blond hair, or big boobs.

44. Met a rock star - True

He wasn't a rock star, but Chad and I met Tim McGraw at his concert in Las Vegas. We had back stage tickets, so after the concert, we were escorted into a room to wait for him. He is a small, thin man. He doesn't look like that on TV.

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight - True

I have not been to many beaches and therefore have not walked on a beach by moonlight.

46. Been transported in an ambulance - False

I fell off my bike in the middle of the rode and split my chin open. My mom and aunt were picnicking in the front yard of my house when I came walking home. I had blood gushing from my chin and my right knee. My mom took one look at me and ran to the house to call 911. She thought I had been hit by a car. The ambulance came and took me and my mom to the hospital. Luckily nothing was broke, but I had to have stitches in my chin. There was nothing they could do for the road rash on my knee but wrap it up.

47. Had your portrait painted - True

I had my portrait painted by one of those cartoon artists at Lagoon once. It used to hang on my bedroom wall.

48. Gone deep sea fishing - False

I had a friend who went deep sea fishing in Alaska. He showed me pictures of the trip. I don't remember the kind of fish they were catching, but they were huge. Sometimes, it took more than one person to bring the fish in.

49. Broken a window - False

We lived in a tiny house in Sandy, Utah. The laundry room was an add on to the back of the house which was big enough for a fridge, washer and dryer. There were about three stairs on the inside of the laundry room that led to the outside door. And next to the door, was a window. The window was not big in width, but was as long as the door.
I was mopping the floor one day and stepped back on the stairs. As I tried to catch myself from falling back and down the stairs, I lunged forward with the mop, as if the mop was attached to the wall and would keep me from falling. As I fell back and down the stairs, I hit the window with the mop. The window broke into a million pieces.

50. Been water skiing – True

Bud Close took us out on Lake Mead in his boat. Everyone got their chance, if they wanted it, to ski. I tried it and on the first try, I couldn't get up on the skis, but I gave it another shot and was able to do it. I hopped over one of wakes, but fell down trying to get back to the center. Water skiing, as I remember it, is really fun.

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling - False

In a swimming pool once, I used one of those snorkeling things that you put over your mouth to breathe the air from the top. You have to be careful not to go very deep or the water will go in the snorkeling straw. Trust me...I know!

52. Kissed in the rain – False

I have the best husband. He knew that I had this topic on my blog so he took me outside when it was raining a couple of weeks ago, just to kiss me. cute is that?

53. Played in the mud - True

Just a few months ago, after a few storms. Chad and I went out on the quads. There were still water puddles out in the desert and we were driving through them. Chad was quite shocked when I sped past him and through a big puddle that threw mud all over him. So I would say yes, I have played in the mud.

54. Gone to a drive-in theater - True

There was a drive in on 70th south and State street, called the UTE drive-in. My sister worked there and we got in for free.

55. Been in a movie - False

A lot of movies are shot in Park City, Utah. Once in a while, if your lucky (like me), they pick people that are shopping in the outlet stores, to be extras in their movies. The have schedules posted in certain shops that tell what movies are being shot with instructions about where and what kind of extras they need. If you ever get the chance, try it. It's quite the experience.

56. Witnessed a tornado - False

In 1999, there was a rare F2 tornado that hit downtown Salt Lake City. While driving back to Chad's Mom and Dad's, we saw the storm forming. By the time we got there, the power had gone out and the tornado had touched downtown and caused a lot of damage. We were so lucky because we had just got out of there in the nick of time.

57. Started a business - False

While Chad has started numerous business', I never have had one of my own.

58. Taken a martial arts class - True

My sister had a boyfriend who knew karate. He was teaching her a few things. I was lucky enough to be her sparring partner.

59. Drove a Dump Truck - False

Chad showed me how to drive our truck when he first got it. It was very scary at first. But after I got the hang of it, I did OK.

60. Served at a soup kitchen - False

It wasn't a soup kitchen, but in school once, we did a Christmas project for a nursing home, and our class went there to sing Christmas carols and help them serve the Christmas dinner.

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies - False

My friend Joey's mom was not only her girl scout leader but also our 4H leader. That's where I first learned to sew. I loved going to her house because her mom knew how to do everything. Anyway, one year, when she was selling cookies and I went along for the ride. Joey's brother was having a soccer game so we took tables and set them up among all the spectators at the sidelines. There were other girl scouts and their moms selling cookies also, and it seemed like we sold to every person there. It was lots of fun and I think that's where I fell in love with girl scout cookies. Plus, I had a big crush on Joey's brother, so that was cool. I don't know why I never joined the girl scouts.

62. Gone whale watching - True

Just before a trip to California, my mom took us to see "ORCA" , the killer whale. I think
I was way too young to be going to a movie like that. I don't remember
much of the movie just...

63. Got flowers for no reason - False

When I worked at Toyota West, someone sent me a big bouquet of flowers, for no reason. The card was signed "You know who". I still don't.

64. Donated blood,platelets or plasma - True

The first time I donated blood, something went wrong with my vein and the blood drained into my arm. Too bad Luckily, it happened right at the very beginning because if your vein collapses
during the "drain", and too much blood has drained, you can't try the other arm. Since there wasn't much blood in the bag yet, (it was all under my skin), and because I didn't know any better, we did try the other arm. Either my veins aren't good for blood donation, or the guy needed more experience because some blood escaped from that side too. By the time I was done, my arms were bruised from my wrists to my elbows. It looked like I have been severely beat.

65. Gone sky diving - False

At the Point of the Mountain in Lehi, people used to (I don't know if they still do, or if there has been too much building) hang-glide off the top. My parents had friends that would go hang-gliding every weekend. We once drove with them up to the top and watched as they jumped off the mountain and glided their way back.

66.Ridden a Mechanical bull - False

A few years ago, at the fall festival, Chad dared me to ride the mechanical bull. I was really nervous, not because of the bull, but because Chad knew the guy at the controls from when he worked at the TV station. Luckily I was more persuasive than Chad was and he didn't make my ride too wild.

67. Win a 1st place trophy - True

When I was in the 5th grade, I was on the basketball team and we took 1st place for the Championship. It was a certificate though, not a trophy.

68. Flown in a helicopter - False

We once had reservations to go on one of those Grand Canyon Helicopter rides, but when we go there, they had to cancel them because of a malfunction with the blades on the helicopter. After hearing that, I just didn't feel comfortable in rescheduling.

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy - False

I had a pink stuffed elephant that I got from my great-grandma. I had that thing for years. The last time I saw it, one eye was missing and one of his ears were torn. I don't know what ever happened to him, he was cute.

70. Visited The Lincoln Memorial - True

- Hmmmm...let's see... Yeah, I went to the Lincoln Memorial it's in, umm...Washington DC. Yeah that's right. I went there.

71. Eaten Caviar - True

I have not and will not EVER eat Caviar.

72. Pieced a quilt - True

I didn't help with the "piecing" but I did help my Grandma with the cutting when I was little.

73. Had an imaginary friend - False

OK. Now that I am a big girl, I will admit right here in front of everyone (all 10 of you), That i did have an imaginary friend. Her name was Lisa and we spent a lot of time together. Lisa left me quite a long time ago and I'm sure she is happy.

74. Seen a wild bear -False

Yellowstone is known for it's wildlife. While we were parked at one of the rest areas. We saw a cub and her mother run through the camp. I was so scared that I would not get out of the car to go inside to use the restroom.

75. Been fired from a job - True

OK, OK, OK. Jeez. We all know that I have been fired from a stinking job that I really didn't want anyway.

76. Been in a lighthouse - False

When we had our boat, we went to Lake Mohave in Arizona a few times. There is a Lighthouse club that builds working lighthouses around Lake Mohave. The last time we were there, they had already built quite a few and were working on more. It's really cool actually.

77. Broken a bone - True

I was taking the dogs out to the dog-run and slipped on the wet concrete and broke my foot. I was home alone and had to crawl into the house to call Chad to come home.

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle - True

I once witnessed a really bad motorcycle accident, where the driver of said motorcycle was speeding, and passing on the right side of cars that were stopped at a red light. I was stuck there after the accident and had to fill out a police report.

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person - True

My parents took us on vacation through the American Southwest one year. Among other places, we did visit the Grand Canyon.

80. Published a book - True

I was in a creative writing class when I was in the 1st grade. Our teacher asked us to write a story that she was going to have published in a book. I wrote a Valentines Day Poem. I don't know if it made it to a book or not.

81. Changed a flat tire - True

We were trying to get ready for a wedding and I had to drive across town to drop something off to Chad. So in our dresses, with curlers in our hair, Tiffany and I set out make the delivery. We were about halfway there when all of a sudden, we heard this loud bang and then thud, thud, thud, until I pulled over to the side of the road. The tire wasn't flat, but the tread had peeled off and was slapping the wheel well. We immediately went to work. We got the trunk open and unloaded the trunk to get the spare tire out. I didn't know for sure how to use the jack, but it figured it out and got the car lifted up. I had tried to loosen a couple of the lug nuts, but they were stuck. I just started to worry about what we were going to do when some nice man pulled over to help us. Luckily he was strong and had the tire changed in no time at all.

82. Bought a brand new car - False

My mom had decided to buy a new car and I got to go shopping with her. I had never been to a car lot before, or even seen a brand new car. I was so excited and had a blast going from dealership to dealership. We looked at what seemed to be a zillion cars until finally she settled on a Mazda. Maybe hanging out with her on that shopping spree, is what gave me the dealership bug.

83. River rafted - False

Yep - On the Provo River. That's me, in the middle. I made Michelle and David promise not to let go of me.

84. Had your picture in the newspaper - False

Every year, the West Jordan Park had a carnival and rodeo. I was just getting on the farris wheel with my sister, when a reporter from the newspaper snapped our picture. We thought we were so cool because we were on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune.

85. Read the entire Bible - False

I didn't understand it very well, but I did read the entire Bible. I think I'll start on it again.

86. Visited the White House - True

I was hoping that I would get to see Jimmy Carter, who was the president when I went to the White House. He wasn't there so instead, I bought a peanut necklace from the gift shop.

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - True

Not killed, but prepared. Several times, I have cut and wrapped a deer at my kitchen table. I have also grinded the meat to make deer burger.

88. Had chickenpox - False

I didn't get chickenpox when I was a kid. But when my kids were little, they all got them at the same time and passed them on to me.

89. Saved someones life - True

By now, everyone should know that being in large pools of water really freak me out. So you can probably imagine how panicked I was when CJ (who was a teenager) got cramps swimming to a small island just off the shores of Lake Mead. He was really starting to struggle and I had to think fast. I just jumped in, swam out to him, put my arm around his waist and pulled him to safety.

90. Sat on a jury - True

I was called to jury duty, but the guy plead guilty while we were waiting for jury selection to start. I was really looking forward to the trial so I was kind of bummed out.

91. Met someone famous - True

When I was in kindergarten, my class recruited the most PTA memberships. That earned us a trip to the local TV station to be on the Cannonball and Harvey morning kids/cartoon show. I didn't get picked to win the prize they were giving away, but Harvey did ask me what my name was. He was pretty famous, all the kids watched their morning program.

94. Joined a book club - True

My elementary school teachers loved to read. We would have read-a-thons and I always thought it was so cool because we could wear our pajama's to school and bring a pillow and blanket. Pop-corn, chips, candy and drinks were also allowed.

93. Lost a loved one - True

I was with my dad and sister at the mall where we were shopping for a new coat for her. They were looking through a rack of suede jackets and I had turned around to look at the belts hanging right behind them. When I had finished browsing, I turned back around to join them at the coats, but they were gone. I walked around to the other side of the rack and still, did not see them. The only thing I could think of was to stay calm and find an adult that worked at the store. I slowly walked up to the counter and and told the salesgirl that I my family was gone. I had clearly lost my loved ones.

94. Had a baby - True

This story is about Anthony's babies. We were scrambling around trying to get to the hospital, we had an important person to meet and we didn't want to miss her arrival. Kaylynn was about to give birth to our little Monkey and we had to hurry. Anthony jumped in the shower and then went into his room to get dressed. When he opened his sock drawer, he got a pretty big shock. His cat had crawled into his drawer and had kittens. They were born the same day as Kristy. Ahh cute.

95. Seen the Alamo in person - True

Yes, I have been to Alamo, in person.

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake - True

Well yeah...Duh! I am from Salt Lake City. And, hasn't everyone?

97. Seen the Changing of the Guards at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier - True

Yes, in May of 1980.

98. Owned a cell phone - False

The first cell phone that I ever owned is swimming in the bottom of Lake Mead.

99. Been stung by a bee - True

We, (OK... Chad) was driving us back to Las Vegas from a family reunion in Huntington Canyon and I laid down on the front seat of the truck. Just as I went to sleep, I felt this sharp stab in my back. I jumped up so fast. We looked around and found a huge bumble bee that had stung me. Man, did that ever hurt. I hate bee stings.

Monday, February 9, 2009

While we are patiently waiting, I thought we might have a little fun.

I have a super duper cool prize to give away to the first person who can tell me the correct answers to #43, #63 and #69.
And, tell me why you think they are true or false.

The first one to get all three right wins. You can try as many times as you like because the 1st correct answer wins.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Did I Really Do That? 96 - 99

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake -
Well yeah...Duh! I am from Salt Lake City. And, hasn't everyone?

97. Seen the Changing of the Guards at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier -
Yes, in May of 1980.

98. Owned a cell phone -
The first cell phone that I ever owned is swimming in the bottom of Lake Mead.

99. Been stung by a bee -
We, (OK... Chad) was driving us back to Las Vegas from a family reunion in Huntington Canyon and I laid down on the front seat of the truck. Just as I went to sleep, I felt this sharp stab in my back. I jumped up so fast. We looked around and found a huge bumble bee that had stung me. Man, did that ever hurt. I hate bee stings.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Did I Really Do That? 91 - 95

91. Met someone famous -
When I was in kindergarten, my class recruited the most PTA memberships. That earned us a trip to the local TV station to be on the Cannonball and Harvey morning kids/cartoon show. I didn't get picked to win the prize they were giving away, but Harvey did ask me what my name was. He was pretty famous, all the kids watched their morning program.

94. Joined a book club
My elementary school teachers loved to read. We would have read-a-thons and I always thought it was so cool because we could wear our pajama's to school and bring a pillow and blanket. Pop-corn, chips, candy and drinks were also allowed.

93. Lost a loved one
I was with my dad and sister at the mall where we were shopping for a new coat for her. They were looking through a rack of suede jackets and I had turned around to look at the belts hanging right behind them. When I had finished browsing, I turned back around to join them at the coats, but they were gone. I walked around to the other side of the rack and still, did not see them. The only thing I could think of was to stay calm and find an adult that worked at the store. I slowly walked up to the counter and and told the salesgirl that I my family was gone. I had clearly lost my loved ones.

94. Had a baby
This story is about Anthony's babies. We were scrambling around trying to get to the hospital, we had an important person to meet and we didn't want to miss her arrival. Kaylynn was about to give birth to our little Monkey and we had to hurry. Anthony jumped in the shower and then went into his room to get dressed. When he opened his sock drawer, he got a pretty big shock. His cat had crawled into his drawer and had kittens. They were born the same day as Kristy. Ahh cute.

95. Seen the Alamo in person
Yes, I have been to Alamo, in person.
I just want to say thank you for playing... I have had a BLAST!

I took the scores down for now until everyone is done answering. I'm hoping that will add a little suspense. I've also taken down any answers, just for now. So if you haven't started playing yet, and want to, hurry. This will be your last chance.

You can only win if you answer all 99.

Thanks Again!