Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Did I Really Do that? 21 - 25

21. Had a pillow fight -
We got Anthony a new bed for his graduation and on the day it was delivered, Kristy and I had to try it out to see how soft it was. We jumped and bounced and it eventually turned into a pillow fight.
She was only 4, but she hit me so hard with the pillow (I think there was a push to back up the hit) that I flew off the side of the bed. She had such a shocked look on her face when I fell to the floor. We laughed so
hard I almost peed my pants.

22. Hitch hiked -
One time when I was really young, I decided I was going to run away from home. I packed all my stuffed animals into my bedspread, threw it over my shoulder and was on my way. I thought I would hitch hike to my grandparents house. Lucky for me, the first car that passed (going the opposite direction) was my grandparents and they picked me up.

23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill -
Although I don't remember a specific instance, I am going to say that yes I have.

24. Built a snow fort -
Define Fort: It has been snowing here all day. Tonight, when we got home from dropping Christopher off at his house, Chad and I went out and gathered all the snow from the front lawn to build a fort for this post. We froze our butts off. It may have not been a very big fort, but it is still a fort.

25. Held a lamb -
Chad and I traveled to Kamas, Utah in an old red Cadillac. We were on a mission. There was an old sheep herder who had some bummer lambs. We thought it would be kind of cool to have a lamb or two, so we loaded the kids in the back of the Cadi and made the trip. We ended up with 3 or 4 lambs and I held one all the way home. The others shared the back seat with the kids.


  1. #21-True

  2. 1. true
    2. true
    3. true
    4. False
    5. False

  3. #21-True

  4. #21 True
    #22 False
    #23 False
    #24 False
    #25 False


  6. I told you Mommy, we didn't have a pillow fight. Next time, you should listen to me.

  7. 21 - f
    22 - f
    23 - f
    24 - f
    25 - T

  8. Ok, Kristy I will listen next time. Did you at least get to jump on the bed like the rest of the little monkeys?


I just want to say thank you for playing... I have had a BLAST!

I took the scores down for now until everyone is done answering. I'm hoping that will add a little suspense. I've also taken down any answers, just for now. So if you haven't started playing yet, and want to, hurry. This will be your last chance.

You can only win if you answer all 99.

Thanks Again!