Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Did I really do this? 6 - 10

6. Given more than you can afford to charity -
I would like to have some amazing story about how I have given more than I could afford to charity, but I don't want to make up a story like that. So...I will just say I have not.

7. Been to Disneyland -

I always dreamed of going to Disneyland when I was a kid, but as an adult, I have never really had the desire. I have never been, and I'm not sure I ever will.

8. Climbed a mountain -
When I was little, my family visited a place in Piute County, Utah called Big Rock Candy Mountain where we visited the lemonade springs. I climbed with my Parents and Grandparents, up to the top of the mountain.

Years later, I took my own kids to Big Rock Candy Mountain and climbed to the top with them.

9. Held a praying mantis -

Just recently actually, while Chad and I were building the planters in our front yard. I was raking the rocks around the tree out front and I thought I saw a small stick move. Chad kept telling me is was a praying mantis, but it didn't really look like one. I reached down and picked it up to show him. By that time I realized it really was some kind of bug, but still wasn't convinced it was a praying mantis. I kept saying "no it's not, it's not the right shape". Finally Chad had to sternly tell me "Trudi, your right, it's not A praying mantis. It's TWO! They are mating and the female is eating the male." As soon as he said that, I recognized that that is what it was and tried to throw them, but the legs were stuck to my finger and I had to shake them off. It was so gross.

10. Sang a solo -

I was in Choir at Bingham Middle School and we went to Crossroads Plaza in Downtown Salt Lake City during the Christmas Season. Everyone in the choir had at least one solo part. My part was.........In the meadow we can build a snowman, then pretend that he is Parson Brown. He'll say: are you married? We'll say: No man....but you can do the job while your in town.


  1. #6 true
    #7 false
    #8 true
    #9 true
    #10 true

  2. redo.
    #6 true
    #7 false
    #8 FALSE
    #9 true
    #10 true

  3. Hobo - Is that your final answer. (did I sound like Regis?)

  4. #6 TRUE
    #7 TRUE
    #8 FALSE
    #9 TRUE
    #10 FALSE

  5. #6 true
    #7 false
    #8 false
    #9 true
    #10 false

  6. #6 True
    #7 True
    #8 True
    #9 True
    #10 False

  7. 1. true
    2. true
    3. true (I know that we went)
    4. true
    5. false

  8. #6 False
    #7 False
    #8 True
    #9 True
    #10 True

  9. #6 T
    #7 T
    #8 T
    #9 F
    #10 F

  10. 6 - t
    7 - t
    8 - f
    9 - t
    10 - t

  11. Marvin's answers

    6 t
    7 t
    8 f
    9 t
    10 t


I just want to say thank you for playing... I have had a BLAST!

I took the scores down for now until everyone is done answering. I'm hoping that will add a little suspense. I've also taken down any answers, just for now. So if you haven't started playing yet, and want to, hurry. This will be your last chance.

You can only win if you answer all 99.

Thanks Again!