Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did I Really Do That? 81 - 85

81. Changed a flat tire -

We were trying to get ready for a wedding and I had to drive across town to drop something off to Chad. So in our dresses, with curlers in our hair, Tiffany and I set out make the delivery. We were about halfway there when all of a sudden, we heard this loud bang and then thud, thud, thud, until I pulled over to the side of the road. The tire wasn't flat, but the tread had peeled off and was slapping the wheel well. We immediately went to work. We got the trunk open and unloaded the trunk to get the spare tire out. I didn't know for sure how to use the jack, but it figured it out and got the car lifted up. I had tried to loosen a couple of the lug nuts, but they were stuck. I just started to worry about what we were going to do when some nice man pulled over to help us. Luckily he was strong and had the tire changed in no time at all.

82. Bought a brand new car

My mom had decided to buy a new car and I got to go shopping with her. I had never been to a car lot before, or even seen a brand new car. I was so excited and had a blast going from dealership to dealership. We looked at what seemed to be a zillion cars until finally she settled on a Mazda. Maybe hanging out with her on that shopping spree, is what gave me the dealership bug.

83. River rafted

Yep - On the Provo River. That's me, in the middle. I made Michelle and David promise not to let go of me.

84. Had your picture in the newspaper
Every year, the West Jordan Park had a carnival and rodeo. I was just getting on the farris wheel with my sister, when a reporter from the newspaper snapped our picture. We thought we were so cool because we were on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune.

85. Read the entire Bible
I didn't understand it very well, but I did read the
entire Bible. I think I'll start on it again.


  1. 81. TRUE
    82. TRUE
    83. FALSE
    84. TRUE
    85. FALSE

  2. 81- True
    82- False
    83- True
    84- True
    85- True

  3. 81. t
    82. t
    83. t
    84. f
    85. f

  4. 81. f
    82. t
    83. f
    84. t
    85. t


I just want to say thank you for playing... I have had a BLAST!

I took the scores down for now until everyone is done answering. I'm hoping that will add a little suspense. I've also taken down any answers, just for now. So if you haven't started playing yet, and want to, hurry. This will be your last chance.

You can only win if you answer all 99.

Thanks Again!