Monday, January 5, 2009

Did I Really Do That? 41 - 45

41. Sung karaoke -
Now everyone knows that I have sung karaoke in my living room, many times. With my kids when they were young and when they were grown up. Even a time or two with my grand kids. But, do you know about the other time I sang karaoke? In a bar! Of course, I didn't have the guts to do it by myself. I sang with my sister-in-law and some other drunk lady. I don't know what we sang, but I do know we were drunk.

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt -
When I was little, our family and my mom's brother's family went with our grandparents to Yellowstone. I remember walking on the paths through the hot springs, steam was coming from the ground and there was a very strong smell of rotten eggs. Over at Old Faithful, we enjoyed ice cream from the lodge while we waited for the geyser to erupt. It seemed like the wait was an eternity. Finally it went off and we were still there to see it.

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant -
I didn't buy the meal for a stranger, but a stranger bought a meal for me. When I worked at Datachem, I went to lunch at Denny's with my friend Julie. We drove over in Julie's Jeep and when we pulled up, we parked next to this guy in a big ford truck. We went in and were seated in our booth and the guy went to the counter to sit. When we got ready to leave, the waitress told us that our lunch was paid for by the man at the counter. I liked to think it was because of me that he was buying our lunch. Not Julies topless Jeep, long blond hair, or big boobs.

44. Met a rock star -
He wasn't a rock star, but Chad and I met Tim McGraw at his concert in Las Vegas. We had back stage tickets, so after the concert, we were escorted into a room to wait for him. He is a small, thin man. He doesn't look like that on TV.

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight -
I have not been to many beaches and therefore have not walked on a beach by moonlight.


  1. 41. true
    42. false
    43. true
    44. false
    45. true

  2. Marvin's answers:

    41. true
    42. false
    43. true
    44. true
    45. false

  3. 41. false
    42. false
    43. false
    44. true
    45. true

  4. #41- False
    #42- False
    #43- True
    #44- True
    #45- True

  5. 41. TRUE
    42. FALSE
    43. TRUE
    44. FALSE
    45. FALSE

  6. 41 - T
    42 - F
    43 - T
    44 - T
    45 - F


I just want to say thank you for playing... I have had a BLAST!

I took the scores down for now until everyone is done answering. I'm hoping that will add a little suspense. I've also taken down any answers, just for now. So if you haven't started playing yet, and want to, hurry. This will be your last chance.

You can only win if you answer all 99.

Thanks Again!